Saturday, September 5, 2020

Teachers' Day

Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan believed that, "Teachers should be the best minds in the country."

Serving as the 1st Vice President of India and the 2nd President of India and receiving numerous honours from various countries, he is known to be one of the most successful people of India.

Might be shocking to know but Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan began his political career after his successful academic career nationally and internationally.

It's fascinating to know that on 5th September, 1962, when a few students and friends of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan requested him to allow them to celebrate his birthday, he said "Instead of celebrating my birthday, it would be my proud privilege if September 5th is observed as Teachers' Day." Hence, Teachers' Day is being observed in India since then.

Undoubtedly, teachers (gurus) have known to be the brightest guiding light to all their students and known ones. The Indian history shares with us immense knowledge regarding the power of a guru, the pure relation of guru-shishya and the main thing, not to be forgotten, whole hearted respect and truth. 

Knowledge shared by a teacher is not just a piece of knowledge, but a blessing in disguise which can only be earned with effort and sincerity.

Wishing all teachers a Happy Teachers' Day! 

A big Thank You for all your efforts to be the stepping stone to all learners.

Sunday, August 9, 2020

The Sea of Thoughts

'Focused mind is one of the strongest forces on Earth.'

The most powerful gift one has is their own mind. Anything and everything you come across has a great connection to your mind. From launching a rocket to Mars to breathing in, your mind has a vital role to play. Every decision you take comes from a single source and that is your mind. Regardless of how you feel about yourself, your mind is actually a priceless material. Train it very well to achieve what you desire. Take care of your mind and it’ll take care of everything you witness.

People say that an empty mind is a devil’s workshop. Is it? The mind is never empty. It is always occupied with one or the other thought. But the thought which is in the mind is what decides whether it’s a devil’s work or not. Thinking about something which fascinates a person, leads to inventions and discoveries. The theory of relativity came into Einstein’s mind by a simple thought of him watching a clock tower while traveling on a train. It might sound weird but that’s what it is. All it requires is guiding your mind towards something which always fascinates you.

There are three things which play an important role in building a healthy mind when used together.


This is the ability to acquire knowledge without conscious reasoning. People call this differently. Some call it “Sixth sense”, while few others call it “Gut feeling”. Irrespective of what one calls, this is one thing that can drive you towards your motive. If it goes right, well and good. What if it doesn’t? No problem; You get to learn about what happened and how to tackle the same if it repeats. You might wonder how this works. Intuitions trigger your brain with various possible outcomes of that particular situation. The more thoughts you have, the more region of the brain get activated. This in turn keeps further thoughts broad.


Who doesn’t like imagining? While watching a movie, one always tries to put themselves in the place of the actor and see how they would have fought the antagonist. The power of imagination is beyond anything. But at the same time, it’s also important how you imagine. If one always imagines about a negative outcome, it’s quite obvious that the result ends up being negative because that thought would have already lowered your morale. This is the reason why one should always think and stay positive.


What do you do when your friend calls you all of a sudden and throws a brick at you? What if the youngest member of your family wakes you up when you’re in a deep sleep and asks what comes after ninety-nine? How do you remember all these though you’re not conscious? Subconsciousness is the answer. Every action you take is directly linked to this because your subconscious mind is the repository for all your previous actions and experience. If you’re facing a problem in your life, it simply means that you’ve ignored your subconscious mind even when you’re facing it for the first time. If one uses the subconscious mind the chances of failing at something are almost nil.


I’d like to conclude by saying, “Train your mind to see the good in every situation.” If the above mentioned are used together, one can reach levels that they haven’t seen or reached yet. The mind is an asset which no one can steal. So, use it to the fullest.

Thank you.



Monday, August 3, 2020


Rakhi tied on the brother's wrist,
A symbol of love, respect,
Kindness, oneness and
Safe belief among brothers and sisters.
Holding on to each other,
At all times of life,
Be it good or bad,
Alone is never left to be an option.
Nothing can break the brother-sister tie,
Decades pass by and their bond grows stronger,
Happiness is spread,
Among all who witness this pure relation.
Now here comes the day when sisters believe their brother(s) with share of responsibilities and lots of love and care.

Wishing you a Happy Rakshabandhan.

Monday, July 27, 2020

English: A funny language

Gaston Bachelard once said, “ A special kind of beauty exists which is born in a language, of a language, and for language." 

When I was young, I had an amazing English teacher with great pronunciation. Listening to her pronunciation, I come home and correct my family members' pronunciation. They retaliated at me and said "Kai hodna English ak Kai aan amma naanchi.”(Konkani. Meaning: It's okay. English doesn't have a parent. )

I ignored them back then, but now I’ve realized how true it is. For instance, think about what comes after the letter 'Y'. If I go to different parts of the world and ask this question I'd get a mixture of zeds and zees. But we don't do that with other languages, do we? In Kannada(an Indian language) the letter is the same in the whole of  Karnataka. 

Funnily, we pronounce P-U-T as put and C-U-T as cut. Why? Why do we have to say those words differently? If you ask a 2nd-grade kid to spell Enough he’d definitely end up spelling it as E-N-O-F. Wait, that too sounds enough right?

Q-U-A-Y is a word pronounced as 'ki'. If asked randomly, 90% of people would pronounce/spell it wrong(Except for spell bee champs). Why is it so?

For all these questions English has an answer. And that’s Phonetics. But wait; This language has something called Vowels which states A, E, I, O, and U are the sounds produced by our vocal tract.  Apart from these basic sounds, we have 44 other sounds in phonetics where all mathematical tools are used for this 26 lettered language. They join a and e to get æ which sounds like ‘a’ like in have/cat/and 

This is the reason why we spell queue as queue and not Q/Que/Queueueueueueueueueue…..


I’m not done yet. This language gets funnier the deeper you go. There are these oxymorons and repetitive words which makes it funnier. I once heard someone say “I’m a deeply superficial guy.” That’s nearly far from making sense. Isn’t it?:P 

‘The bandage was wound around the wound.” It’s crazy that two words which spell the same have two meanings.

What makes it even funnier is the punctuation. Let me give you an example.

Once, a teacher wrote “ A woman without her man is nothing.” and asked her students to correct the statement.

All the males in the class wrote;  “A woman, without her man, is nothing.”

On the other hand, all the females wrote; “A woman: without her, man is nothing.”

A smart student would have written, “ A woman without man is wo.” Free from controversies :P 


There are other things that make no sense at all. Like, Where’s egg in an eggplant? Why is a boxing ring square? Why is it called a pineapple when it’s neither pine nor apple? If the plural of tooth is teeth and the goose is geese why isn’t the plural of booth beeth? 


The Funniest part is that I had to do all this in English. 


To end with, I've got a translation to do. "Uska vishwas jitna bhi raha ho, jeevan ke parinaamon ke upar uska koi asar nahi pada." This in English is "All the faith he had had, had had no effect on the outcome of his life."


No offense.

Thank you.


Saturday, July 18, 2020

Ashville- 7

*Spoiler Alert*
If you haven't read the previous part, read it at:

Happy reading.

Chapter 8:
The phone started ringing at Clyde’s mansion. Ronnie picked the call. “Hello….” “Don’t tell this to anyone. I know who the killer is. Come to the park near the Mayor’s office alone at 6 in the evening.” The call ended. Ronnie was shocked. He kept quiet for a while and started thinking. After half an hour he decided to go alone as asked. 
Stars were shining bright and the crescent moon was giving out dim light. Darkness had come even before expected. Ronnie entered the park. He saw a man standing near a big tree facing away from him. He walked towards the man but his pace reduced with every step he took. He stood behind the man for ten minutes without uttering a word. “We both know what happened that night. I don’t wanna know-how. I wanna know why?” said the man and turned back. It was Mac Meyer. Ronnie went cold for a few minutes. “Take your own time kid. But I need an answer.” Said Mac. The silence continued for a quarter of an hour. “I’m sorry.” Said Ronnie. “I want why kid. I’m not the person to whom you need to apologize.” “It all started a couple of weeks ago.” Said Ronnie. “My father started to look suspicious of something. I started observing him closely to realize that he was secretly in an agreement with the mayor of Ballegro city. I thought of talking out about that with him but I didn’t understand how. It all happened. I didn’t kill him.” “You didn’t kill him?” asked Mac. “No. He couldn’t condone his own behavior. He made me swear not to ask his further action and also not to talk about this with anyone. It all happened in front of me and I could do nothing.” “And you didn’t tell anyone?” “Every time I saw either Zoey or Uncle John, I felt like saying. But under no circumstance my heart let me do that. They both respected him so much. Even the people of this town believed him to the core. So, I decided not to tell anyone. His last words still ring in my ears. He said ‘I made a mistake son. I tried betraying my people. God will not forgive me for this sin.’ But how did you figure this out?” asked Ronnie. “Well, your tranquilizer left its trail. After looking at the medical report and call history it didn’t take much time for me to understand you called him and tranqed him. But I wanted to know why before reporting this to the police.” Said Mac. “Does that mean I’ll be arrested for making him commit suicide?” “That’s left for the police. My job is to report what happened to the police.” Mac walked out of the park leaving Ronnie alone. 

The next morning, Thomas Prentice along with his officer arrived at The Williams mansion. John was in the living room along with Zoey. Looking at Prentice arriving, he asked “Have you got any news about the killer?” “Call the boy. We’ll let you know everything.” Ronnie heard this from his room. His heartbeat doubled automatically. But without delaying he rushed towards the living room to face it. Thomas started talking “I’m sorry to say this Mr. Williams, your brother committed suicide. Our detective couldn’t figure out the reason behind his act but he has declared it as a suicide.”  Ronnie didn’t understand what was happening. Thomas continued “Detective Meyer has sent two letters for the kids. He said this will make them feel better.” And handed them their letters. 
Ronnie went to his room along with the letter. It read “Ronald Williams; You might be shocked with the report, but that’s what it is. The report doesn’t mean you’re innocent. But at the same time, you’re not guilty either. You didn’t kill your father. But you sedated him and spoke things which made him commit suicide. You didn’t stop him too. That’s a crime from my point of view. But since your action of sedating was for the benefit of thousands of people I decided not to report that. Next time something like this happens, Talk to the elders. Don’t take decisions all by yourself.  You’re a good and well-cultured man. I hope this doesn’t happen again. Mac Meyer.” Ronnie closed the letter and decided to burn it. He also decided to lead his life in a better way and not to do the same again.

The end.
Thank you for reading.
This is my first attempt in story writing. Please drop a review in the comment section.

Sunday, July 12, 2020


*Spoiler Alert*
If you've forgot the previous part or if you haven't read it yet please read it at:

Happy Reading.

Chapter 7:
Blue sky, no wind and almost beautiful sunshine. One of the most exquisite view for human eyes. But the humans didn’t look happy. Mac Meyer had arrived at Ashville. The whole city was mourning for their beloved leader. The kids of the city weren’t in a joyous mood either. Despite of knowing everything Mac asked “What happened here? Why does everyone look downcast?” to a passerby. “You don’t sound like you are from Ashville. Our Mayor passed away yesterday. He was a good man.” he replied. “Oh! I presume he was a great man.” said Mac. “Yes, he was. He worked only for the citizens of his land. Never did he take any decisions without his people’s opinion about it. Just a week before he left us, he stood against the mayor of Ballegro city who wanted both cities to be merged. He always stood by us. But he probably had few problems which he didn’t share with anyone.” “I see. May his soul rest in peace.” said Mac and headed towards the Mayor’s mansion.

There was a knock on the door. Freddie went towards the door to attend it. He opened the door and asked “May I know why you’re here?” It was Mac Meyer on the other end. “Do you work for the Williams?” he asked in return. “Yes.” He replied. “I’d like to talk to you for few minutes in private.” Said Mac. Freddie who didn’t know Mac declined to move. “I’m the detective Mr. Johnathan Williams hired.” After listening to that Freddie agreed to talk in Private. “So, how long have you known the Williams for? You look like you’ve worked here for long time.” Asked Mac. “Yes sir. I know the Williams family from past 40 years. I know the brothers since their childhood. They were so close back then.” “Back then?” asked Mac. “I mean to say they’re too busy these days. Not as close as those days.” “Was there any fight between those two recently?” asked Mac. “Nothing like that sir. But John didn’t like the recent behavior of Clyde as he was less attentive towards his kids.” “Oh Freddie! Here you are. I was looking for you everywhere. And you must be Mac Meyer! Uncle John told me about you.” “Ronald Williams ain’t you? What are you doing here?” “I came here to ask Freddie to go and check Zoey’s room as she was complaining about some water leakage.” Said Ronnie. “Did she ask you to come and inform?” “You’re a true detective. Yes, she did.” said Ronnie with a smile on his face. “I’ll go check it master.” Said Freddie and went inside the mansion. “Where were you on the day of the incident?” asked Mac to Ronnie. “I was at the state-wide Science fest in Rketnoa. My father had dropped me there. I know you’ll ask if I have any proof.” “Indeed, I will. Just to know its fact and not fiction. That’s my job.” Replied Mac. Ronnie directed Mac to his room. He showed him the certificate of participation. “You really are a genius. What was your project about?” asked Mac. “It was about a plant tranquilizer to reduce stress in plants and boost its growth rate.” Replied Ronnie. “Do you trust uncle John?” asked Mac. “Sorry What?” asked Ronnie in return. Mac asked the same question again. Ronnie said “Uncle John is really good guy. I doubt the mayor of Ballegro. He had called my dad the day before the fest.” Answered Ronnie. “Any close friends of your father?” asked Mac. “Mr. Raymond is his friend since childhood.” replied Ronnie. “Give me his address.” Said Mac. Ronnie gave him the address.

To be continued...
What are your deductions? Drop in the comment section.

Thank you.

Wednesday, July 8, 2020


अगर किसी बात का अंजाम बुरा हो, तो वह बात गलत है।

कुछ गलत, कुछ सही,
कई होंगी अनकही,
बहुत सी कही-सुनी,
अन्य बिन ध्वनि।

उपयोग करके आंखो की दृष्टि,
और कान के सुनने की शक्ति,
बिना सच्चाई जाने,
मनुष्य इन सबको माने।

अवस्था पर ध्यान दो,
कहीं आपसे कुछ गलत ना हो,
समझकर समझाओ,
हवा में बातें मत फैलाओ।

कहने की शैली,
हर किसी की होती है निराली,
हर कोई सुनेगा आपकी जो भी बातें हो,
केवल वे विचारपूर्ण हो।

प्रत्येक शब्द,
अवश्य है खास,
किन्तु सब नहीं कहते,
भिन्न भांति की बातें।

केहने को तो बहुत कुछ है। अहमियत इसी में है कि वास्तविकता और तथ्यों के दायरे में रहकर ज्ञान बांटो क्योंकि आज-कल अवांछित बातों का वेग बढ़ चुका है।

Sunday, July 5, 2020


*Spoiler Alert*
If you haven't come across the previous chapter read it at:

Happy reading. 

Chapter 6:
“It was your sister-in-law who killed your wife. She was jealous of your wife’s fame.” said the man. It was detective Mac Meyer's office. Mac was a famous detective in the state. There was no single case he failed to solve. The client left. Mac started to look at his laptop. There was a knock on the door. “Come in.” he said. The door opened and Thomas Prentice entered with John Williams. “ Please have your seats gentlemen.” said Mac. They both made themselves comfortable. “ So, what brought you to me Thomas? Most of the times you let your own men to do the work.”  asked Mac closing his laptop. “ Meet Johnathan Williams. He’s the brother of Clyde Williams, The Mayor of Ashville.” “ Brother of today’s victim, isn’t he?” asked Mac. “Yes.” said Thomas adjusting his collar. “So, what do you think Mr. Williams?” asked Mac. “My brother is a man of high profession. I don’t think this was a suicide. I want you to investigate this case.” said John. Mac rose up from his seat. He looked out of the window. After a minute he replied “ I don’t think this is a suicide too. I’m ready to investigate this case but the cost is expensive.” “ I’m ready to pay. Please solve this case.” John said. They agreed upon the cost of investigation. Mac said “Worry not Mr. Williams. I’ll find the culprit.” 

That afternoon Mac arrived at the crime scene. He observed the scene carefully. The river was quite deep. There was no chance for someone to go from the bottom to tie the rope since the case was death by hanging. Mac took the road to the bridge. On reaching the bridge he observed that there was two feet wide long path throughout the bridge on both the sides which was left out after construction. “ Ah! Poor construction.”  said mac to himself. He hopped on to that path and observed that there was footprints of only one person. He was surprised to see that. He called Thomas at once and said “ I want to know where  Clyde was  in the city before his death.” Sometime later Mac received a message from Thomas stating “ He was in Spandex Paradise , Brixton hill street.” “ Brixton Hill! That’s four miles away from the river.” said Mac. “ Why would someone come four miles away just to commit suicide?” he asked himself. He went to the police headquarters to meet Thomas. “ I need to examine the body.” said Mac. “My experts already did that. They declared it a suicide.” “ I said I need to examine the body.” yelled Mac. “Alright, Follow me.” They both headed towards  the morgue. Mac started to examine the body. He could see multiple scratches behind the leg just above the ankle. “ Do you see these scratches here?” asked Mac to Thomas. “ Yeah, I can. But it can be from anything.” he replied. “ It cannot be anything. It looks like someone was dragging him for a long time. Moreover, He was in Brixton hill. Why would he come all way from Ashville to Brixton hill and from there to that bridge miles away just to commit suicide when Ashville has more rivers and bridges than Townportdes.” said Mac. “Clyde was the Mayor of Ashville and there was no way he could have done this in his own city.” replied Thomas. “ Why not in Spandex? Why that particular bridge?” asked Mac. “I want all the reports by tomorrow morning.” Thomas kept quite for a while and said “ I still think it’s a suicide.”  

To be continued.......
Whom do you agree with? Mac Meyer or Thomas Prentice?
Comment your views in the comment section.
Thank You.

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

The Pandemic Song 🎶

Hola amigos
From head to toes..
Life is so boring
My throat is soaring..

Somebody go get me a drink
I expected that girl to gimme a wink..
Why on earth is this pandemic not ending
Top to bottom my body started bending..

Even though I tried
My brain got fried..
My friend said she was well responding
Then where on earth did she go absconding.

Lock down lockdown everywhere.
Grows long grows long my every hair.
Sanitizer and mask is compulsory
For your safety it is necessary.

Monday, June 29, 2020

Ashville -4

*Spoiler Alert*

For people who have not read the previous part , Please read it here :

Happy reading.

Chapter 5:


There was a sudden change in the environment around the kids. A drastic change from joyous to gloomy emotion. Zoey couldn’t tolerate the news. She fainted on spot. Ronnie was dumbstruck with terror. Jack couldn’t console them. Uncle John entered the mansion from his training session. He was terrified to see their condition. “What happened? Why are you two looking so dull and why is Zoey lying on the couch?” He got no answer. “Freddie, Come with a glass of water at once.” He shouted. Freddie came with a glass of water. He too was shocked to see the situation. “What happened sire?” he asked. “ I need the answer for the same Freddie. What’s happening here? What’s wrong with the kids?” Freddie was puzzled. “ I’m sorry Sire. I was in the backyard.” “Ronnie please tell me what happened.” said John. Ronnie didn’t utter a word. John was extremely worried. “Jack can you please tell me what happened?” “ Sir Clyde, … he’s…” Jack stammered. “Clyde What? What happened to my brother?” Jack gained some confidence to talk. “He’s…He’s no more. He committed suicide.” John was shocked to hear this. “ Who told you this?” “ Townportdes police chief.” said Ronnie. The scenario followed two minutes of silence. “ Let’s go to Townportdes .” said John. “ What about Zoey?” asked Jack. “ We’ll take her too.”


All of them reached the police headquarters of Townportdes. “ Where’s the Chief?” asked John. “Please wait for few minutes. He’s at a crime scene.” said one of the officers. “Call him at once and tell him that John Williams is here.” “Sorry Sir. I didn’t know that you are Mr. Williams’ brother. Sorry for your loss. Please follow me.” replied the officer.  The officer guided them to the crime scene. It was on the outskirts of the city. There was a river on which an old bridge was standing. Clyde’s body was on the bank of the river. “Chief, John Williams is here.” said the officer. The Chief turned around and said “ Hello Mr. Williams, sorry for your loss. I’m Thomas Prentice; The police chief of Townportdes.” “ Can you please tell me what happened Sir?” asked John. “ A resident came up to us this morning saying there’s a body hanging on the bridge. Our experts say that the death was caused by compressed neck. There are ligature marks which explains the hanging. We recognized him through his ID in his wallet. It was intact and nothing was stolen nor there are any other signs of attack on him. It clearly looks like a suicide.”


They all were surprised to hear that. “Why would he do that? My dad is a brave man. There is no chance that he could do something like this.” said Zoey and started crying. “I can understand your pain but this cannot be reversed.” said Thomas. After a moment of silence John said “ Put the finest of your detectives for further investigation. I don’t think this was a suicide.” 

What do you think? Suicide or Murder? Is it something else?
Please leave a review in the comment section.

Also read other articles of the blog at : 
Thank You.

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Ashville - 3

If you haven't read the previous part then please read it at 
Happy reading.

Chapter 4:
It was almost getting dark when Ronnie reached Mr. Raymond’s house. He went through the gate and rang the bell. “Who’s it?” asked a lady from inside. “ It’s Ronnie.” he answered. Jack’s mother opened the door. “Come in son. Jack’s at tennis academy. You’ll have to wait for him.” He entered saying “I’m not here for Jack Mrs. Raymond. I’m here to meet Mr. Raymond. Is he available?” She closed the door and replied “ Yes. He’s in his room. You can go and talk to him.” Ronnie walked towards the room. He knocked before entering. “ Come in Ronnie. What brought you to me son?” He entered and said “ I’m here to talk about the Science fest Mr. Raymond. Didn’t Jack inform you?” “ He might have forgot. Tell me. Any ideas you have in mind son?” After a min of silence Ronnie said “ How about tranquilizers for plants to reduce stress and increase its metabolism?” “Not bad son but you cannot use a tranquilizer without permission or prescription.” Ronnie thought for a while and said “we won’t make an actual tranquilizer. Just a prototype.” Mr. Raymond  said “ I’ll teach you the chemistry behind it but please make sure you enquire the authority once.” For the next few days Ronnie worked hard on his project and successfully created a prototype. He was so happy about that. He tried his prototype on a plant in his house and it worked. He received a mail from the authority stating that he is free to proceed with his project since they expect candidates to invent something rather than making something  which already exists. He was so excited for the fair now.

The night before the fest Ronnie went to his father to inform that he’ll be out for next 2 days. He entered his father’s room. His father was reading a novel. “Hey dad, can I talk to you for a while?” His father closed the book, kept it on a table and said “ Sure son. I was expecting you. Good that you came.” Ronnie pulled the chair towards him, sat and started talking. “ I wanted to talk about the science fest dad. I’ll be going to….” Before Ronnie could finish talking his father’s phone started ringing. He picked the call “Yes it’s Clyde. I am coming tomorrow.” He paused, looked towards Ronnie and said “Give me two minutes son.” After saying so, he walked towards the balcony. After five minutes he returned. Ronnie was sitting in the same posture. “ Yes Ronnie, you can continue.” “Dad I’ll be going to Rketnoa for the Science fest. I’ll be staying there for 2 days. There will be project exhibition followed by a workshop.” “I’ll be going to Townportdes tomorrow through Rketnoa for a conference. I’ll drop you on the way. We can spend some time together. But you’ll have to come back by yourself.” said Clyde. “Okay dad. I’ll see you tomorrow morning. Good night.”

Ronnie got up early the next morning. He was running all around the house picking things he needs. “Slow down. I know you’re excited. But stay in senses idiot.” said Zoey. Ronnie grinned and continued running. Half an hour later he heard his dad coming out of his room. He hurried and ran out. “Stay safe and all the best Ron.” said uncle John. Ronnie ran back gave a hug to his uncle and rushed to the car. About 15 minutes later he reached Rketnoa. “ Best of luck son. I wish that you succeed in your mission.” said Clyde. “Thanks dad. I hope so” said Ronnie and walked away.

Days followed; Jack was at Ronnie’s place with Zoey. They were waiting for Ronnie to come with the good news. Taxi arrived and Ronnie hopped down. “Where’s the trophy man? I’m waiting to touch it.” Ronnie with a smile said “ I didn’t win it . There were students who were way ahead of me.” Jack and Zoey felt bad but together they said “ It’s okay Ron. We know you did your best.” They went inside and started talking about the fest. “ It was good to see different models. I was amazed by few.” said Ronnie. They continued to talk until the telephone started to ring. “ Hello Mayor Clyde’s residence.” said Ronnie picking the call. Ronnie dropped the handset. “What happened?” asked Zoey. “Townportdes police chief said dad committed suicide.” said Ronnie and fell on his knees.

To be Continued.
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Saturday, June 20, 2020

Fête de la Musique - 21 June

Music Day, Make Music Day or World Music Day.

Music Festival is the literal translation,
Encouraging music from every nation.
India, Germany, Russia, Peru,
The city count of the States is eighty-two.

The Director of Music and Dance,
In 1982, observed in his country of France,
One out of two played a musical instrument,
And this spread Fête de la Musique's scent.

People donated their time,
From dawn till bedtime,
Free concerts at public places,
Music always filled the life with empty spaces.

An amateur or a professional,
Both have helped music become educational.
A wanderlust or someone homesick,
Every soul enjoys their choice of music.

Celebrated for the first time in Paris,
On the day of the Summer Solstice,
This day is a tribute to all musicians,
Developing feelings towards pleasure and pains.

Sunday, June 14, 2020


*Spoiler Alert*

For people who haven't read the previous chapters refer :

Chapter 3:

Ronnie had ants in his pants. He could no longer wait for the principal to announce who the winner was. The principal continued “ And that one person is Ronald Williams! Congratulations boy, come up on the stage.” Ronnie couldn’t control his happiness. He jumped from his seat and ran towards the stage. The principal said “ His multipurpose drone was excellent. We had not expected something like that from a student. We hope he delivers something which is more unique in the next level and make us all proud. Over to you son.” Ronnie walks towards the lectern and says “ Thank you everyone. I’m speechless at the moment. All I’d like to say is I’ll do everything possible to give the same result in the state-wide fest and make our school proud. Thank you all again.” The Principal handed the trophy and certificate to Ronnie and he came down happily. “ I told you I’d win it.” said Ronnie to Zoey. “ Congratulations Ronnie. We knew you’d win that.” replied Zoey and Jack together. They then headed towards their usual hangout place to spend some time together. “ So what next? An RC plane ?” asked Jack. “I’m not sure. Haven’t thought about it yet.” replied Ronnie. “ Let’s take some rest and then think about it.”  said Zoey. After having coffee, they all  went back to  their home.


At the mayor’s office Clyde was discussing with his officials about the affairs going on in the city.        “ Citizens are happy about all the policies Mr. Mayor but few are worried about the ongoing tension between our city and Ballegro  city. They’re afraid if there’ll be riots since we’re one of the peaceful cities. Citizens are sure that you would not merge the city. But they want to hear it from you sir.” said one. “ Alright. Arrange for a press conference today evening. I’ll address the citizens that I’ll not negotiate.” replied Clyde.                                                                                                                      Tables were arranged for the conference and the media had arrived. “ Dear citizens of Ashville, today I’ve arranged this conference to talk about the recent news you’re all worried about. I’d like to say that I would not do anything which would harm my citizens in any way. You all can stay peacefully in the city. Under no circumstance will I let a dispute arise. I’d kindly request everyone not to worry about this. Thank you.” With this Clyde ended his conference and headed towards his residence.


After the dinner, Ronnie came to the living room along with his trophy to share his victory with his dad. He was about to talk but the phone started ringing. Clyde rejected the call and said “ Looks like my son has achieved something today. “ Yes, dad I ….” the phone started ringing again. Clyde had a look at his phone rejected it again and said “Continue son.” “Dad I won the Science fest at our school and now I’m set to represent the state-wide competition.” “ Congratulations son. I’m proud of you.” He was about to hug his son when the phone started to ring again. “ Can’t you do one thing for your son without any disturbance?” asked John who was sitting beside the fire. “ My job doesn’t provide me with leisure time as you. I have work on and off the report.” replied Clyde. John got up and walked out. “ You shouldn’t have said that dad. He was the one who guided me.” said Ronnie. “ I know son. But sometimes he feels too jealous of what I am. I want us to be the way we used to be when we were in our schooling. Anyways congratulations again Ronnie. I really wish to spend more time with you but I have to attend the call. It’s urgent. We’ll talk tomorrow morning.”

Birds started chirping and the Sun was coming up. On the spur of the moment Ronnie woke up. He looked at his alarm clock. It was 20 past 6. He decided to doze for a while till he realized his dad had told him that they’ll talk in the morning. He swiftly got out of his bed only to realize his dad was already out. He went to Freddie and asked him “ Where’s my dad Freddie? We had decided to talk in the morning.” Freddie replied “ I’m sorry master. He went to his office earlier than expected. I’m afraid to say he looked bit anxious.” Ronnie felt bad. He continued “ Do you know why?”. “ No master.” he said.  Disappointed Ronnie walked towards his room.


That afternoon after classes, while coming out of the campus Jack asked Ronnie “ Did you decide what you’ll be doing Ron?” “No Jack. I’m still deciding. Maybe I could come and talk to your dad about it.” replied Ronnie. “That’s actually a great idea.” said Zoey. “No problem at all man. He’ll be free at around 6. I won’t be available since I have tennis class at same time but feel free to come.” Said Jack. “Yeah I’ll be there around 6. Inform your dad that I’ll be coming.” They decided to meet during next class and headed toward their home.

To be continnued.....
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Sunday, June 7, 2020


Disclaimer: This story is purely fictional and does not resemble to any person/place  in the real world.

On the shore of Atlantis was a peninsular town filled with greenery all around.  A place which has beautiful mountains touching the sky from which waterfalls arise is an aesthetic view for humans. A town with numerous rivers. Ashville was the town; filled with all sorts of heavenly creatures. Though the count of inhabitants was small, people were so interactive that almost everyone knew each other very well. Farming was the most handpicked job by the people of this town.  This city is also one of the most peaceful and happiest amongst all other cities in the state. People wished that their soil remains the same for centuries to come. Crime was a farfetched action here. The people of Ashville loved their Mayor, Clyde Williams for his generosity and  sound decision making character. Clyde always took opinion from every citizen before taking any decision because he wanted every citizen’s opinion to be showcased in it. This made him gain trust and respect of his fellow people.

Clyde Williams was a widower with a son named Ronnie and a daughter named Zoey. He also had a brother, Jonathan who was a sportsman. Jonathan and Clyde were not just brothers but were best friends as well. Since childhood both had a friendly fight in all aspects be it studies or sports. Jonathan was equal to Clyde in everything but he wasn’t as popular amongst people as Clyde. He always felt bitter about it. Despite this, all the four  lived together in a big mansion near the river with Freddy the butler.

Chapter 1:
  It was a beautiful morning. Ronnie was in deep sleep. He had no idea what time it was. Zoey started screaming, “ Get up you idiot! It's 9am and we’ve to reach our class by 10.” Ronnie startled. He got up in a hurry and ran to the bathroom. Freddie had everything ready on the table. Unlike expected Ronnie ran out to the car without having food. “ Master your food is ready here.” But he went off without listening. “It’s alright Freddie, pack it and hurry up. We’re getting late.” said Zoey. As ordered, Freddie packed the food and hopped on to the driver’s seat. “ Hit the road Fred, I really don’t wanna miss my science class.” said Ronnie. Freddie drove as fast as he could but they ended up being late to their class. 
Meanwhile at the same time in the Mayor’s office, “ No matter what happens, we shouldn’t agree to the accords of merging our city with that of Ballegro city. Not only our city will lose its identity and recognition but it’ll also be erased from the history of our state.” Said an old man from the mayor’s trust panel. Clyde replied by saying, “I agree with you, sir. We won’t do that under any circumstances.” Clyde asked if everyone in the room agreed for it. He got a positive response from everyone. They all wanted their city to be in the safe hands of their own Mayor. They denied to be slaves of the neighbouring city. 

That afternoon during the lunch Ronnie and Zoey with their best friend Jack were discussing what happened during the Science class. “ Christie ma’am taught us about totipotency. I didn’t understand much of it though it was interesting.” said Jack. “ That’s why you need to focus on bio as well Mr. Chemical .” replied Zoey sarcastically. “You both are never gonna stop pulling each other’s leg, will you?” said Ronnie. Jack then said that there is a science fest coming up who’s winner will be sent for a state wide competition. “ I’m gonna put all my heart into it and win the competition.” said Ronnie with full excitement. He lost in his own world of what and how to win the competition until he realized that the bell had rung.

Chapter 2:
Birds were heading back towards their nest as the sky started turning orange. Ronnie, Zoey and Jack were in the playground playing badminton in turns. “ I’ll probably try to build a Drone which can be used for various needs like watering the plant, doing surveillance, carrying heavy substances and what not.” said Ronnie. “cool! But can you actually build within next week?” asked Jack. After seconds of silence Ronnie replied “ Hope so.”
Later that night Ronnie started to work on his project. He went through everything but couldn’t understand much of it. He feared about what might happen if he actually couldn’t build one. Anything else would be a simple project which wouldn’t catch the judge’s eyes. “Uncle John!” he exclaimed. He rushed to uncle John’s room. But he couldn’t find him . He went  all around the house but couldn’t find him. “Freddie, have you seen uncle John?” he asked. “ He might be in the backyard master.” he replied.
Ronnie ran to his backyard. He saw John sitting on a chair and gazing at the sky. “Uncle John!” he said breathlessly. “ breathe Son breathe.”  said  John holding his arms. “ what brought you to me lad? Did someone bully you again?” he added. “ C’mon uncle John. I’m 19 now. I can handle such stuffs on my own.” Ronnie explained everything about the upcoming Science fest and about his idea of building a multipurpose drone. “ Nice one lad. Go  with it.” “But Uncle John ...” Ronnie added. He explained the hitch in building it actually. “ Why don’t you ask your dad son? He can help you build and sell as well. After all he’s the mayor.” says John bitterly. “ Uncle please. I know you feel bad for not having equal fame as him. But I do know that you’re same as him and love me more than he does. Please help me out.”
Ronnie under the guidance of his Uncle was finally able to build a multipurpose drone all by himself within a week. He went through multiple test runs and his drone was working beyond his expectation. But still he feared losing because his best pal Jack didn’t reveal what he was up to. Despite being in the same house he didn’t know what his sister Zoey was doing. He was also worried if his work malfunctions on the day of the fest. How embarrassing would it be for him to call it a drone which can’t fly? Thinking of Science fest was giving him Goosebumps. But he was not able to distinguish if it was due to excitement or fear.

Finally, that day came. He saw his sister carrying a model which was about DNA fingerprinting. He went cold for a while. He somehow managed to come back to normal and said “ I’ve still got this one.” Zoey gave a wide smile. They both reached their college and were stunned to see the decoration. Everything around them was so astonishing. There were working models of different machines. 3d models of scientists were erected at different parts of the campus. Hallway was decorated with different planets, stars and constellations. It was as if they’ve entered a whole new world. 
“ Hey sluggard” someone called from behind. They both turned. Jack was standing with a machine in his hand and his father along his side. “ Dare calling me a sluggard again!” yelled Zoey. “Hello Mr. Raymond!” greeted the siblings. “ So, what’s this?” asked Ronnie. “It’s a water fuel cell I built with my dad’s help.” said Jack. “ With a cool scientist dad like him, you’re a clean winner.”  replied Zoey.
The competition began and everyone started showcasing their models one by one. Every model was unique. The judges were impressed by the models of Zoey, Ronnie and Jack since their models outclassed all others. Marks were tallied and results were handed to the principal to announce. The Principal said “ My dear students, it was so nice to see all of you working hard on your models. Congratulations to everyone. All of you are winners in my eyes. But as you all know we can send only one student from our institute for the state-wide competition. We’ve selected the best one amongst you all. And that one person is…….” 

To be continued....
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Friday, June 5, 2020

World Environment Day

The first day of the Stockholm Conference on Human Environment,
In 1972 by the United Nations,
Resulted in the first World Environment Day in 1974,
With the theme "Only One Earth".

From when we begin to breathe,
Till we breathe our last,
We live in nature,
But do we know our responsibilities towards it?

The definition of environment says that,
Surroundings an organism adapts to and lives,
But in today's world,
We alter our surroundings to reach our comfort level.

This is one day where people residing in over 143 countries,
Come together to raise their voice against,
All kinds of environmental issues possible,
And support the protection of nature.

To mark the importance of various issues,
Every year a new theme is taken up,
Not keeping just that in mind,
But adding to what can be done for the benefit.

This is not the only day to focus on the natural environment,
But, it is a day to remind us regarding our duty towards it.
One day does not bring in an improvement,
But working from Day-1 will surely benefit in the long run.

'First protect, keep saving and eventually grow.'

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

रोमांचक संघर्ष

ज़िंदगी एक तलाश है,
ना जाने किसकी तलाश है।

जीते-जीते भटक जाते हैं
किसी गैर तलाश में,
भटकते-भटकते जीना सीखते हैं
अपनों की चाह में।

किसी नदी के किनारे,
या किसी पर्वत के शिखर पर,
कहीं तो रुकते हैं,
और अपने बीते कल को याद करते हैं।

बीते लम्हें स्मृति बन जाती हैं,
स्मृति हमारी ज़िंदगी का एक अहम हिस्सा,
हर क्षण ज़िंदगी में पिरोया जाता है,
और हमारी ज़िंदगी की किताब पूरी होती रहती है।

किसकी क्या वजह है, इस से अपरिचित हो कर,
खुद की खोज में हम जीना शुरू करते हैं,
हर प्रयास से हम करते है सारे कष्टों को दूर,
अंततः खुद से हमारी मुलाकात होती है।

जीवन के इस रोमांचक संघर्ष में,
मुस्कान चेहरे पर बनाए रखना चाहिए,
क्योंकि ज़ुबान में उतनी ताकत नहीं की वह
ज़िंदगी को किसी बोली में सीमित कर सके।

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

The Stoics

"To be everminded is the greatest virtue." - Heraclitus.

Let's head back hundreds of centuries. There was a man called Zeno. He was a great philosopher and found his own school of philosophy in 301 BCE . He started lecturing in an open air colonnade in Agora. He wanted his lectures to be like those of Socrates who used to lecture in front of slaves, women, craftsmen and many more.
Zeno knew that people suffered because of either things they didn't have or because of things that they might lose. Zeno argued that virtue is the greatest pleasure and not materials which would perish with time.

Who are Stoics? People who follow Stoicism are called Stoics and Stoicism is enduring the reality of life without displaying feelings or complaining about it. Treating alike victory and defeat, gain and loss, pleasure and pain , is the key to existance with happiness alone. We humans always tend to escape from reality. But following Stoicism not only lets us to be in reality but also help in  protecting our weakness from being exposed to people who can take advantage of it. Modern time needs Stoicism to be followed by people in huge numbers because they often get deflected from their path very easily.

It's human tendency to react to anything and everything which comes across them. Technology has led to depletion of the layer of patience in many which leads to sudden outburst of emotions causing  disruptions in life. This is where Stoicism comes to play. Controlling emotions helps in bringing out the better version of oneself.

At last I'd like to conclude by saying,

"Everything we hear are opinions and not facts, everything we see is a perspective and not the truth."

Be open to the world. It will teach you more than what school does.

Thank you

Sunday, May 24, 2020

The First Experience

     Okay so I'd like to take y'all to a rollercoaster ride to the astonishing memories of the first experience of anything and everything.
The first experience always remains special be it good/bad, hit/flop, dream/nightmare.

For our parents, giving birth and listening to our first cry was their first experience.🤗
Our childhood memories of going to school and cursing them for spoiling our sleep. 🤭
Growing up demanding for a cycle, and then mobile phone and the list goes on. But a unique thing to observe is that for most of the boys, as they grow older their toys upgrade,
Like from baby walker to cycle, cycle to bike, bike to car. 

Then after attaining maturity, we give priority to our social life, friends, relationships. Then after finishing teenage we focus on career, our first job, we will face hurdles, it will be pretty challenging but the happiness of first salary will be worth it. Then if things workout and if we are growing in our fields then surely first house and first car will be waiting for us 😉😉. Then comes one of the most beautiful part of our life, our marriage, it also will be first, but let's hope and pray that it remains first and only 🤣🤭. And then the next generation comes into play and the cycle repeats.

So basically what we have to extract from this is that - Life always gives chances to explore, but it's we who pretend like jobless and just ignore taking that risk. But that's the point, how will we know what that actually is without experiencing. So never fear to try out something new, take a deep breath and without thinking much give it a shot. You never know what's waiting for you. Explore🤠, live😇, love😘 and laugh😂 because that's life❤, the first and only☺.

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Monday, May 18, 2020

Cash Crisis - Lockdown X.0

Income is stopped,
Except for basic essential service providers.
Expenditure is stopped,
Except for basic essentials.

The world runs on more than one service.
How do the other providers spend when they do not earn?
This thought does make them nervous,
But they trust their families in turn.

Not only the people they live with,
Not only their loved ones,
But also the people they work with,
Play a role with which their family runs.

Monthly, weekly and daily,
All wagers live in expectations,
Spending their day palely,
Not allowing it to come to their expressions.

Everyone needs to be paid,
May it be by the one they work for,
Or by the ones who think they are in need,
Learning to live collectively for today and more.

Savings come in use,
To oneself or someone else,
Someone on land or on a cruise,
Stay calm and don't be the person who yells.

Money does help one lead their life,
But not everybody tells,
That rolling and donating will surely help,
Not the account that swells.

Sunday, May 10, 2020


She gives rise to a child,
Bearing enormous pain.
The happiness she sees in that cry,
Words cannot explain.

Our first word makes her blush,
Our first step makes her smile,
She dances to our tunes,
Gets tired but doesn't guile.

She says no to last piece of cake,
So that her child could eat,
She might scold it at times,
But she's always sweet.

Sometimes we ill-treat,
Sometimes we elude,
Out of all beings in our lives,
She deserves highest gratitude.

Happy mother's day to all mothers out there. These words aren't enough to explain how important you are in our lives.❣️You're like a tree which gives us everything and expect nothing in return. Without you our lives would be so empty.
Thank you for being there for us everytime when we fall.😊

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Duty - The Ultimate Ritual

"Perform your obligatory duty because action is indeed better than inaction."

DUTY. A really small word but is the most heaviest word. What does it mean? It simply means something one has to do because it is their right to do so. Each and every human needs to perform their duty towards one another. The duty of a mother is to raise her child until it grows up and stands up on its feet. Similarly a child has a duty to look after its mother when she ages and cannot take care of herself well.

Similarly everyone has a duty to perform in their life. Duty changes from person to person and from situation to situation. A doctor's duty towards his patients is entirely different from his duty towards his family.

Let us understand the importance of duty with the help of a short story.

"Once there was a boy who was raised very well by a widower. The boy was sharp in academics and managed to earn a job abroad. But this boy thought taking his father along with him was of no use and left him behind. Since there was no one to take care of his father, he fell ill and soon passed away."

Now we learn that because the boy didn't do his duty, he lost the only person he ever had in his life. Doing what one is supposed to is very important.

One duty every citizen has towards his/her country is selecting a leader through election. But what happens? We witnessed only 67% people voting in the recent elections held nationwide. Sometimes people run errands for no reason but they can't fulfill their duty.

Of course, there are many obstacles on the path of completing a duty, but one has to be bound to their duty and complete it no matter what they face. An obstacle should never be the reason for one to put a full stop. Humans are finding comfort these days instead of leading their life in the right way.

"Life is all about responsibilities; completing it defines what you are."

Mic drop.
Think about it.

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Smartphone: A Man Made Organ

             It is such a prolific creature that ensures stability in all aspects. It has become like an organ of our body. The first thing we see after waking up and before going to bed. But then a question always revolves in my mind, is the invention of smartphone a blockbuster or lackluster?
It has its own positives and negatives, and it largely depends from person to person. Have you ever wondered how much are we indulged into our phones? If not, I would suggest to checkout the screen time usage. A minimum of 6 to 8 hours is mandatory for majority. This adversly affects a man both physically and mentally. Excess of usage may risk the chances of having cancer. Now since most of the things are computerized, people prefer warming the couch, rather than stressing their body a bit to go out and get the work done, we can't deny the fact as most of our works relies on that source.
I won't say don't use at all, but it'd be better if we maintain an extent and limit our usage to as much as it is required. We are matured enough to recognize and realize our extent. I hope it creates at least a tiny impact on everyone and they do the needful.
Stay home stay safe. 😁❤

Friday, May 1, 2020

International Workers' Day

Commemorating the Haymarket Affair (4 May 1886) in Chicago,
Promoted by an ancient European Spring Festival,
Known as Labour Day, May Day, or more,
In most countries, Brazil, Ukraine and Portugal.

Known by different names,
Witnessed on different days,
The first Monday of September catches the fame,
And so does the first of May.

The 'eight-hour workday' general strike (1 May 1886),
And a bomb to create havoc,
Led to a hype,
Which led to a lot of discussions and talks.

During all seasons,
Showing courtesy to all their workers,
Various countries focusing on various reasons,
Pay tribute to their labourers.

Amid this lockdown,
Everyone is working for the betterment of the society.
Wearing a smile of duty and not a frown,
'Safety first, service next' should be our thought's priority.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Earth Day

"Earth Day", a logical and an obvious name,
But not a day that attains a lot of fame,
Ask yourself why?
Don't you live on Earth under the sky?

It rhymes with birthday,
But most of them have no clue about today,
Standing for the Earth with or without a rhythm,
Let's all sing the "Earth Anthem".

22nd of April, 1969,
Focused it's sign,
1970 witnessed it's first expression,
Swearing to Environment Protection.

The country celebration count is more than 193,
But just a few are ready to grow a tree.
Nelson did worry about the Oil Spill in Santa Barbara, California,
And showcased his care with mania.

Anything will fit any day,
Contribute your bit everyday,
Growing the environment or reducing pollution,
Making the Earth a better place is "Our Mission".

Sunday, April 19, 2020

I Salute The Altruistic

• Many cities have now turned into hotspots with respect to the spread of Coronavirus in India❎. It's nothing to be proud of by moving on the roads during this senario, nor is it something to fear about. It's something regarding which major steps have to be taken from each and everyone's side sensibly🧠. All the citizens have been asked to stay at home, but yes, we have to be proud of all those groups of people who have taken up the responsibility to take care of the city staying away from their homes🏘️.
• ⛅Day and night, staying away from their homes and families, working hard to spread the news about the pandemic and spreading the awarness tirelessly, requesting the public to stay at home and not step out for any non-essential motive🌃. The Police is always there to serve the public, may it be the young ones, the working class, or the aged🚔.
• Yes, there are people still working. The ration stores, the medical groups, the squad of the police and many more are working amid this unsafe and risky situation⚠️. If citizens keep roaming on the roads, allowing no other word of explanation, strict action has to be taken against them. Hence, for safety purposes, abiding to the requests and information we recieve, we the citizens of India should understand the importance of staying at home during this pandemic outbreak🙏 and the consequences as an outcome of not following the rules and regulations in force☠️.
• The other nations too are facing the same problems. We have to stay updated regarding "The Coronavirus Issue", be it in any part of the World🌍.
• I express my gratitude to all those who are working round the clock with the hope that all lives get back to normal soon😇.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

A Stationery Life

Scrawling thoughts like a toddler,
Using Camlin, Faber-Castell or Staedtler,
Mightier than a knife,
A pencil writes all its life.

At times, acting like a lead breaker,
A pencil is sharpened by a sharpener,
Shaving away it's worn surface,
At a fast pace.

After making a mistake,
Running to a corrector for that moment's sake,
Covering up even for something silly,
An eraser erases selflessly.

Watching how far the pencil goes,
Leading it straight is what it vows,
Moving over paper like a bird that's free,
It knows it can count on a ruler like 1, 2, 3.

The paper is your life and the pencil is you,
To all your deeds you must stay true.
Your life is similar to a small stationery kit,
So, why vaunt? Enjoy life's every bit.

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Oh my time!!

Oh my time, 
My only rhyme. 

It is something that we can never own,
Something that passes by unknown.
Good time may come to make you glow,
Everyone says just go with the flow.

Every now and then I ask for you,
If everyone left it's only me and you. 
When will it finally come, my time,
As flexible as non-sticky slime.

We must thank god for such a blessing,
But all we do is only cursing.
It is important and everyone's only craving,
All we have to do is proper using and saving.

Friday, April 10, 2020

Online Classes, All Of A Sudden

Faculties want everyone to be brisk,
Internet says, "Students, I'll help you take the risk."
"Hello, am I audible? Is my voice clear?"
The ones who reply "yes", are teachers' dear.

The presentation is put up on the screen,
Everyone marks it 'seen'.
"We are not used to live lectures online,
We hope everything goes well and fine."

Someone purposely delivers a cough,
Or the Wi-Fi/data goes off,
Interruption is must,
And half the time nothing's discussed!

Attending video classes for long is so sick,
We do it as we have no other choice to pick,
The fear of COVID-19 has left no other choice,
Except remembering the classroom noise.

We miss the blackboard,
The lively interaction with our lord,
Everything that we used to troll,
The classroom is what we miss on the whole!

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Curiosity - The Most Valuable Asset

Curiosity is one of the most permanent and certain characteristics of a vigorous intellect.
                - Samuel Johnson

One of the finest elements of man's life is Curiosity. Not just to humans, it applies to all living organisms. A cat which sees a leaf falling off the tree for the first time watches it so keenly that it tries to jump and catch it the next time. This would not have been possible if it wasn't curious about catching it.
Curiosity is a beautiful thing which urges one to do what (s)he is passionate about. Most of the inventions till date are result of Curiosity.

Let me narrate a short story to explain how important curiosity is :
"One day, a boy was sick in bed. His father brought him a compass — a small round case housing a magnetic needle. No matter which direction the boy turned the compass, the needle always pointed towards the North, as if it was held by an invisible thread within. He was so amazed that his body trembled.

He was enlightened about the presence of mysteries in the world — hidden and silent, unknown and unseen. He had the urge to figure out the actual reasons to those events that took place which were known to be mysteries."

If the boy in this story was not curious to know why the needle pointed North, then we would have not known Albert Einstein today! Yes, the young boy was Sir Albert Einstein. He always said "I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious."

Curiosity may sometimes lead you to failures, but it always teaches you a lesson. A lesson to keep going ahead in life. Even if one has made a mistake, the curiosity in them guides them to step on right path.

I always recommend to correct the one who's curious in a room full of wrong people. No matter what and how you correct them, they will listen to you patiently unlike other people with tremendous ego.

Mic drop.

Be curious about everything in your life!

Friday, April 3, 2020

Soldiers : Our Real Heroes.

            Hero isn't the one who appears on silver screen, no wonder we were raised cheering and enjoying our on screen heroes. Actors are entertainers and not all are the real heroes. Some were motivative while some worst 🤣. But then everything was a lesson, the world itself is a learning curve. A person will always be a learner till his last breath.
From life to death one thing that remains constant is learning. The world is full of warriors. Everyone fights for something or the other everyday. There is a soldier in all of us. We mainly consider our mother and soldiers as our heroes, because they are the ones who never demand for a holiday. They work everyday without complaining, because they know their responsibility the best. But some people turn away from their responsibilities because they fear. This is the challenge you have to face all by yourself, take up and fulfil your responsibilities being fearless. Once you face them you succeed. Everyone is a soldier, but remember a soldier is never coward, and a coward is never a soldier.
These words are tribute to all those brave hearts protecting anything and everything they can selfessly. 
I can proudly say that I am a soldier for my family, my country and this world. 
Jai Hind!! 🇮🇳 🇮🇳

Nature's Nature

Divine serenity and the powers of turbulence,
Seeking no one's assistance,
Gave life to the best architecture,
We entitle as 'Mother Nature'.

Growing from a tender stem to a bark,
In light and even in the dark,
Until kids hear the fables of Aesop,
Nature will live without a stop.

Refreshing itself from time to time,
Nature has its own chime.
It has no destiny,
And will live for eternity.

From birth to death,
Not a single moment without breath,
All the memories we capture,
Are in the arms of nature.

From food to medicine, shadow to shelter,
Nature has always been our helper.
Living in such beauty,
We need to realise our solemn duty.

Monday, March 23, 2020

Janata Curfew - Self Quarantine

Self help is the best help.
It keeps you away from a yelp.

You will enjoy tomorrow to the best,
Only if your today is led wise,
You will be blessed,
Getting to witness tomorrow's sunrise.

There's no one to paint the town,
COVID-19 has produced a shake,
The world has shut down,
The Earth is taking a break.

Everyone is looking up to the Indian culture,
Namaste is the new dawn.
Except for medical, grocery and agriculture,
It's a lockdown.

Keeping away from the open,
Is something that we've never done,
Wait for a careful reopen,
A single mistake now can never be undone.

"I will not roam around being adamant.
Self isolation is not a punishment,
But my sensible choice."
This should be everyone's inner voice.

Stay Home.
Stay Clean.
Stay Healthy.
Stay Safe.