Saturday, July 18, 2020

Ashville- 7

*Spoiler Alert*
If you haven't read the previous part, read it at:

Happy reading.

Chapter 8:
The phone started ringing at Clyde’s mansion. Ronnie picked the call. “Hello….” “Don’t tell this to anyone. I know who the killer is. Come to the park near the Mayor’s office alone at 6 in the evening.” The call ended. Ronnie was shocked. He kept quiet for a while and started thinking. After half an hour he decided to go alone as asked. 
Stars were shining bright and the crescent moon was giving out dim light. Darkness had come even before expected. Ronnie entered the park. He saw a man standing near a big tree facing away from him. He walked towards the man but his pace reduced with every step he took. He stood behind the man for ten minutes without uttering a word. “We both know what happened that night. I don’t wanna know-how. I wanna know why?” said the man and turned back. It was Mac Meyer. Ronnie went cold for a few minutes. “Take your own time kid. But I need an answer.” Said Mac. The silence continued for a quarter of an hour. “I’m sorry.” Said Ronnie. “I want why kid. I’m not the person to whom you need to apologize.” “It all started a couple of weeks ago.” Said Ronnie. “My father started to look suspicious of something. I started observing him closely to realize that he was secretly in an agreement with the mayor of Ballegro city. I thought of talking out about that with him but I didn’t understand how. It all happened. I didn’t kill him.” “You didn’t kill him?” asked Mac. “No. He couldn’t condone his own behavior. He made me swear not to ask his further action and also not to talk about this with anyone. It all happened in front of me and I could do nothing.” “And you didn’t tell anyone?” “Every time I saw either Zoey or Uncle John, I felt like saying. But under no circumstance my heart let me do that. They both respected him so much. Even the people of this town believed him to the core. So, I decided not to tell anyone. His last words still ring in my ears. He said ‘I made a mistake son. I tried betraying my people. God will not forgive me for this sin.’ But how did you figure this out?” asked Ronnie. “Well, your tranquilizer left its trail. After looking at the medical report and call history it didn’t take much time for me to understand you called him and tranqed him. But I wanted to know why before reporting this to the police.” Said Mac. “Does that mean I’ll be arrested for making him commit suicide?” “That’s left for the police. My job is to report what happened to the police.” Mac walked out of the park leaving Ronnie alone. 

The next morning, Thomas Prentice along with his officer arrived at The Williams mansion. John was in the living room along with Zoey. Looking at Prentice arriving, he asked “Have you got any news about the killer?” “Call the boy. We’ll let you know everything.” Ronnie heard this from his room. His heartbeat doubled automatically. But without delaying he rushed towards the living room to face it. Thomas started talking “I’m sorry to say this Mr. Williams, your brother committed suicide. Our detective couldn’t figure out the reason behind his act but he has declared it as a suicide.”  Ronnie didn’t understand what was happening. Thomas continued “Detective Meyer has sent two letters for the kids. He said this will make them feel better.” And handed them their letters. 
Ronnie went to his room along with the letter. It read “Ronald Williams; You might be shocked with the report, but that’s what it is. The report doesn’t mean you’re innocent. But at the same time, you’re not guilty either. You didn’t kill your father. But you sedated him and spoke things which made him commit suicide. You didn’t stop him too. That’s a crime from my point of view. But since your action of sedating was for the benefit of thousands of people I decided not to report that. Next time something like this happens, Talk to the elders. Don’t take decisions all by yourself.  You’re a good and well-cultured man. I hope this doesn’t happen again. Mac Meyer.” Ronnie closed the letter and decided to burn it. He also decided to lead his life in a better way and not to do the same again.

The end.
Thank you for reading.
This is my first attempt in story writing. Please drop a review in the comment section.