Sunday, June 14, 2020


*Spoiler Alert*

For people who haven't read the previous chapters refer :

Chapter 3:

Ronnie had ants in his pants. He could no longer wait for the principal to announce who the winner was. The principal continued “ And that one person is Ronald Williams! Congratulations boy, come up on the stage.” Ronnie couldn’t control his happiness. He jumped from his seat and ran towards the stage. The principal said “ His multipurpose drone was excellent. We had not expected something like that from a student. We hope he delivers something which is more unique in the next level and make us all proud. Over to you son.” Ronnie walks towards the lectern and says “ Thank you everyone. I’m speechless at the moment. All I’d like to say is I’ll do everything possible to give the same result in the state-wide fest and make our school proud. Thank you all again.” The Principal handed the trophy and certificate to Ronnie and he came down happily. “ I told you I’d win it.” said Ronnie to Zoey. “ Congratulations Ronnie. We knew you’d win that.” replied Zoey and Jack together. They then headed towards their usual hangout place to spend some time together. “ So what next? An RC plane ?” asked Jack. “I’m not sure. Haven’t thought about it yet.” replied Ronnie. “ Let’s take some rest and then think about it.”  said Zoey. After having coffee, they all  went back to  their home.


At the mayor’s office Clyde was discussing with his officials about the affairs going on in the city.        “ Citizens are happy about all the policies Mr. Mayor but few are worried about the ongoing tension between our city and Ballegro  city. They’re afraid if there’ll be riots since we’re one of the peaceful cities. Citizens are sure that you would not merge the city. But they want to hear it from you sir.” said one. “ Alright. Arrange for a press conference today evening. I’ll address the citizens that I’ll not negotiate.” replied Clyde.                                                                                                                      Tables were arranged for the conference and the media had arrived. “ Dear citizens of Ashville, today I’ve arranged this conference to talk about the recent news you’re all worried about. I’d like to say that I would not do anything which would harm my citizens in any way. You all can stay peacefully in the city. Under no circumstance will I let a dispute arise. I’d kindly request everyone not to worry about this. Thank you.” With this Clyde ended his conference and headed towards his residence.


After the dinner, Ronnie came to the living room along with his trophy to share his victory with his dad. He was about to talk but the phone started ringing. Clyde rejected the call and said “ Looks like my son has achieved something today. “ Yes, dad I ….” the phone started ringing again. Clyde had a look at his phone rejected it again and said “Continue son.” “Dad I won the Science fest at our school and now I’m set to represent the state-wide competition.” “ Congratulations son. I’m proud of you.” He was about to hug his son when the phone started to ring again. “ Can’t you do one thing for your son without any disturbance?” asked John who was sitting beside the fire. “ My job doesn’t provide me with leisure time as you. I have work on and off the report.” replied Clyde. John got up and walked out. “ You shouldn’t have said that dad. He was the one who guided me.” said Ronnie. “ I know son. But sometimes he feels too jealous of what I am. I want us to be the way we used to be when we were in our schooling. Anyways congratulations again Ronnie. I really wish to spend more time with you but I have to attend the call. It’s urgent. We’ll talk tomorrow morning.”

Birds started chirping and the Sun was coming up. On the spur of the moment Ronnie woke up. He looked at his alarm clock. It was 20 past 6. He decided to doze for a while till he realized his dad had told him that they’ll talk in the morning. He swiftly got out of his bed only to realize his dad was already out. He went to Freddie and asked him “ Where’s my dad Freddie? We had decided to talk in the morning.” Freddie replied “ I’m sorry master. He went to his office earlier than expected. I’m afraid to say he looked bit anxious.” Ronnie felt bad. He continued “ Do you know why?”. “ No master.” he said.  Disappointed Ronnie walked towards his room.


That afternoon after classes, while coming out of the campus Jack asked Ronnie “ Did you decide what you’ll be doing Ron?” “No Jack. I’m still deciding. Maybe I could come and talk to your dad about it.” replied Ronnie. “That’s actually a great idea.” said Zoey. “No problem at all man. He’ll be free at around 6. I won’t be available since I have tennis class at same time but feel free to come.” Said Jack. “Yeah I’ll be there around 6. Inform your dad that I’ll be coming.” They decided to meet during next class and headed toward their home.

To be continnued.....
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  1. Looking forward to your next chapter !

  2. Hey hey... I see a lot of improvement done here. Excellent job ��, I really enjoyed this... Waiting for then next chapter ��
