Saturday, May 9, 2020

Duty - The Ultimate Ritual

"Perform your obligatory duty because action is indeed better than inaction."

DUTY. A really small word but is the most heaviest word. What does it mean? It simply means something one has to do because it is their right to do so. Each and every human needs to perform their duty towards one another. The duty of a mother is to raise her child until it grows up and stands up on its feet. Similarly a child has a duty to look after its mother when she ages and cannot take care of herself well.

Similarly everyone has a duty to perform in their life. Duty changes from person to person and from situation to situation. A doctor's duty towards his patients is entirely different from his duty towards his family.

Let us understand the importance of duty with the help of a short story.

"Once there was a boy who was raised very well by a widower. The boy was sharp in academics and managed to earn a job abroad. But this boy thought taking his father along with him was of no use and left him behind. Since there was no one to take care of his father, he fell ill and soon passed away."

Now we learn that because the boy didn't do his duty, he lost the only person he ever had in his life. Doing what one is supposed to is very important.

One duty every citizen has towards his/her country is selecting a leader through election. But what happens? We witnessed only 67% people voting in the recent elections held nationwide. Sometimes people run errands for no reason but they can't fulfill their duty.

Of course, there are many obstacles on the path of completing a duty, but one has to be bound to their duty and complete it no matter what they face. An obstacle should never be the reason for one to put a full stop. Humans are finding comfort these days instead of leading their life in the right way.

"Life is all about responsibilities; completing it defines what you are."

Mic drop.
Think about it.